Our Services
Services You Can Count On
At Morgan and Broussard Professional Services, LLC, our goal always remains the same - deliver the value we stand by. Our Services are designed and customized to meet every client's specific needs. We offer a variety of services for individuals and business owners.
Our services include:
Tax Preparation & Planning
Business Services, including bookkeeping, business start up, payroll, and more.
Notary Services
Contact Us to begin your journey to a better future!

At Morgan and Broussard Professional Services, LLC, we are known for a level of reliability and client service that sets us apart.

Business Services
At Morgan and Broussard, we provide several services that assess your business' overall financial health, while delivering regular reports that are clear, clean and sound financials. This allows you to operate with less stress and more profit.
This includes :
New business start ups
QuickBooks Clean - Ups
Quick glance for QuickBooks accounts
Monthly bookkeeping
Sales taxes
and more....
We take the guess work out of business finances!
Notary Services
We offer notary services for various situations. Our services include, but are not limited to:
Last Will and Testaments
Mandates (Power of Attorney)
Act of Donation
Adult Adoptions
Small Succession (Estate valued under $125,000)
Act of Cash Sale
Certified True Copies
Non-legal Custodian Affidavits
Designation of Tutorship
Bill of Sales
Affidavit of Residency
Limited Emancipation